Current Stable Version (v0.6.6)

Last Updated on 17 Feb 2021. What's New?

Windows 7+

64-bit 32-bit

macOS 10.13+


Having trouble running the program? Please see Troubleshooting.

Other ways to install Pencil2D

sudo pacman -S pencil2d
sudo apt-get install pencil2d
sudo dnf install Pencil2D


flatpak install flathub org.pencil2d.Pencil2D


flatpak run org.pencil2d.Pencil2D


pkg install pencil2d


cd /usr/ports/graphics/pencil2d/ && make install clean
⚠ Warning: This is a legacy build. Legacy builds do not contain the latest security fixes and we may not be able to provide the same level of support for any issues you encounter while using them. Use at your own discretion.

Download the legacy Pencil2D app here for Mac OS X/macOS versions 10.7 up to and including 10.12.

brew install --cask pencil2d
⚠ Warning: This is a legacy build. Legacy builds do not contain the latest security fixes and we may not be able to provide the same level of support for any issues you encounter while using them. Use at your own discretion.

Download the legacy Pencil2D app here for Windows XP and Vista.

Nightly Builds

Nightly Builds are the bleeding edge versions of Pencil2D which contain the most recent fixes and features. You can find them on our Nightly Build download page.


Still getting in trouble? Please go to Pencil2D forum.

Older Pencil2D Versions

All older versions of Pencil2D are available on Github Releases or Bitbucket Downloads.